The Benefits of a Bachelor’s Degree

A college degree can provide many professional perks, from opening doors to new career opportunities to bolstering a resume’s earning potential. In addition, a study by the Association of American Colleges and Universities and Hanover Research found that a growing number of employers consider a bachelor’s degree a prerequisite for employment. College is also a place where you build all kinds of new relationships, from professional contacts to lifelong friendships. The experience can be challenging, but the rewards of college include a broader perspective on issues and problems that affect all of us.

In college, you’re expected to learn independently and to think critically. You may have to write an essay or paper that’s based on research, and you’ll likely participate in group projects as well. These types of activities can strengthen your interpersonal communication skills. And if you pursue your passion in the form of a major, like music or art, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of your subject.

Generally, colleges offer a variety of subjects that you can choose from, so you can take the time to explore them before you pick a major. This allows you to get a feel for how your interests fit with possible careers, while giving you a wide base of knowledge that can help you in your future job searches.

College is often different from high school, with professors taking a more hands-off approach to teaching and class sizes larger than those of high school. In fact, in some large university classes, you might find that a single professor might teach 20 or more students.

While teachers in high school often present information from textbooks, in college, professors often present their own thoughts and interpretations of texts and other materials. In fact, most college professors have earned a doctorate in their field and are experts in the subject matter they teach.

The most effective way to learn is to take active learning strategies into your classroom, which can increase the chances of passing exams and receiving good grades on assignments. These can include active reading, note-taking and rewriting lecture notes, and creating a study schedule that includes at least two hours of studying for every hour spent in class.

When writing a college paper, it’s important to follow formatting rules set by your instructor. For example, many instructors prefer papers to be double-spaced and written in 12-point Times New Roman font. And be sure to keep track of sources and citations so that you can reference them in your essay or paper.

College is a chance to connect with people of different backgrounds and perspectives, which can make your education more enriching and help you understand that the world is more diverse than you might have realized when you were growing up. Plus, you’ll be surrounded by peers who can act as a support system and lift you up when you’re feeling down. And a lot of the time, your college friends will end up being your lifelong buddies.